What are CBN Sleep Gummies?

America has a long-brewing sleep epidemic. With 50 to 70 million Americans reported to have chronic sleep disorders, a solution is in high demand. Unfortunately, treating sleep disorders is far from uniform, requiring various custom solutions to address the array of individual medical needs and personal preferences involved [1].


CBN (cannabinol), a minor cannabinoid, is considered to be one of the more effective sleep aids found in the cannabis plant. Through various form factors, including gummies, CBN has emerged as an intriguing and possibly effective option. 


Read on to learn more about CBN and how products like CBN sleep gummies may improve sleep quality. 


What is CBN? 

CBN is the abbreviated term for cannabinol, a minor cannabinoid in the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids are a group of chemicals found in the Cannabis sativa plant, with THC and CBD often the most prevalent compounds found. Cannabinoids are joined by other compounds like terpenes and flavonoids, delivering the plant’s full effects synergistically. 


When consumed, CBN interacts with the body’s vast and complex system of naturally occurring cannabinoids and receptors known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). These interactions create a range of reported therapeutic effects. 


Unlike THC, CBN does not deliver substantial effects felt in the mind, otherwise known as psychoactive effects. However, the compound has been linked to enhancing the effects of THC, providing additional support for the Entourage Effect, which suggests that the plant’s optimal effects are felt when each of the compounds are consumed simultaneously [2].


CBN represents one of many emerging, less prevalent compounds that may significantly impact consumers' lives. It may be new to many consumers, but that does not mean CBN isn't well known in the cannabis and research communities [3]. The compound was first isolated in 1896 from Indian cannabis red oil extracts. Several decades later, in 1940, the cannabinoid became the first plant compound to be isolated and purified [4] [5] [6].


Unlike THC or CBD, CBN is found in trace amounts of cannabis, though its presence grows as THC ages. As the cannabinoid grows older, it breaks down, converting into CBN [7]. 

Like THC and CBD, CBN can come in many consumable forms, such as tinctures, capsules, or gummies, and it may also be combined with other sleep aids, such as melatonin


CBN, Sleep and Other Effects

Despite being known for parts of the past three centuries, CBN is still relatively under researched in the clinical community. Much of its analysis was conducted in the 1970s and 1980s, with scant studies emerging in recent years. In place of lab analysis, many turn to anecdotal reports to understand CBN's effects. Through scores of feedback and limited lab analysis, CBN has been associated with various beneficial effects, such as: 

  • Pain relief    
  • Appetite increase    
  • Immune system support    
  • Inflammation relief    
  • ADHD symptom management    
  • Slow tumor growth    
  • Glaucoma relief


Of all its reported claims, CBN is most well-known for its sleep-improving properties, which can increase drowsiness. The growing public interest in CBN has spurred additional research. Still, we remain in the research phase, with few conclusive results from clinical work. 


While many claim CBN does contain mild THC-like effects that help them sleep, researchers often say that results varied when analyzed in lab settings. Select studies have acknowledged that CBN may possess sleep-improving properties. However, other studies have concluded that the cannabinoid’s efficacy are mixed. Further research, such as randomized controlled trials, is needed to confirm or deny any of the claims made. [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]. 


What Is The Difference Between THC, CBD and CBN?

Many people, and select clinical analyses, note that major cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD, may be effective sleep aids. So, why should consumers try CBN if they already have cannabis-based sleep options? The answer is that while THC and CBD may provide sleep relief for some, cannabis doesn’t react the same for everyone–and perhaps there is another cannabis-based option that improves sleep more effectively. 


While THC, CBD, and CBN all may help with sleep, consumers must understand how each compound is likely to affect the body before using any in an attempt to improve their rest. The three cannabinoids share a range of similarities and differences. While each interacts with the ECS, their results are significantly different.


THC is associated with numerous physical and mental benefits. However, its most well-known effect is its psychoactive "high" effect, which can affect our perception and cognitive processes. 

THC, including synthetic forms, has been connected to short-term rest improvements, including sleep apnea treatment. However, additional studies suggest the next day and long-term adverse effects may remain, such as impaired memory and feelings of being tired [14]. 


Unlike THC, CBD is non-psychoactive but does share many potential health benefits, including mental and physical relief in various forms. While THC can induce drowsiness, different strains can produce a range of effects, including energy boosts and anxiety, which could hinder sleep. CBD is often associated with effects that calm the body and mind, suggesting it is the better cannabinoid for sleep [15]. 


When it comes to sleep, CBN and CBD are quite similar in that both are non-psychoactive and often linked with sedative effects. Unlike CBD, CBN remains broadly unstudied in clinical settings, leaving its medical benefits less defined than CBD at this time. With hope, clinical analysis into these cannabinoids will continue so we can better understand how the cannabinoids compare to one another in regards to sleep and other therapeutic claims [16]. 


What are CBN Sleep Gummies, and Why Do People Use Them? 

CBN sleep gummies are a type of gummy that contains CBN, following in the path of sleep edibles infused with THC, CBD, and various other cannabinoids, depending on the producer. As mentioned above, CBN is a naturally occurring cannabinoid found in cannabis, and it has been shown to have sedative effects when used in small doses [17] [18].


So why choose a CBN gummy over THC, CBD, or other picks? The answer will ultimately boil down to personal preference and needs. Still, there’s quite a bit of compelling feedback and evidence that suggests CBN could be a worthwhile option for countless consumers. 


In addition to their soothing effects, CBN sleep gummies may also have other health benefits. Select research suggests that CBN may possess anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects, which could be helpful for people with chronic pain or other conditions that affect their ability to sleep.


CBN sleep gummies are a convenient and easy way to consume cannabis before bed. Sleep-focused gummies typically combine CBN, the sleep hormone melatonin, and other natural ingredients, such as chamomile and valerian root. Other cannabinoids may be included as well. Be sure to check the packaging to fully understand what compounds go into an edible before consuming. 


Like THC and CBD, CBN possesses a low-risk profile, which means that consumers run little risk of developing an addiction to CBN or cannabis in general. Unlike some sleep aids, which can be addictive and may cause side effects, CBN is considered safe and effective for most people. Consumers have an easy-to-dose, consistent option with gummies, with each serving's dosage and ingredients listed on its package.


Close – Is THC, CBD, or CBN better for sleep? 

Ultimately, the choice is yours. Your decision should be based on the facts, reported benefits, and personal preferences and needs. 


That said, with a need for additional research at this time, it is difficult to definitively say whether THC, CBD, or CBN is better for sleep. Unlike THC, which we have a firmer understanding of, including its adverse sleep effects, CBD and CBN have been linked to improved sleep without many adverse outcomes reported. 


CBN has been shown to have sedative effects when used in small doses, and it is often used as a natural sleep aid. It has been shown to increase the time people spend in deep, restorative sleep, which can help improve sleep quality.


CBD has been shown to possess other potential benefits for sleep, such as reducing anxiety and pain. Like CBN, CBD is non-psychoactive, which means it does not produce the "high" associated with cannabis. However, the two cannabinoids differ as CBD is not a sedative. 


Today, CBN is gaining momentum as a go-to cannabis-based sleep option. Some may feel it is the superior option because of its sedative effects, which can reportedly help increase time spent in deep sleep and improve overall sleep quality. Still, you may not want to rule out CBD entirely. The cannabinoid may be a better option for people who have difficulty falling asleep because of anxiety or pain, as it can help reduce these symptoms and make it easier to fall asleep.


Ultimately, the best way to determine which compound suits you is to try both and see how they affect you. Everyone is different, and what works for one person may not work for another. 


It may also be helpful to talk to your doctor or a healthcare professional who can provide personalized advice on using CBD or CBN for sleep. While cannabinoids like CBD, CBN, THC, and others present a minimal risk profile, remember to consult with a trusted medical physician if you have any worries, concerns, or other points you’d like to clarify before consuming. 


If you decide a CBN sleep gummy is a viable option, we have the perfect option for you